
One area men fail is massages. Women loves massages. What they appreciate is men using it as a cover to get involve with them sexually. But if used wisely and discreetly massages could be a fabulous tool for moisturizing relationships.

Ladies and gentlemen when I talk about massages I do not mean whole body massages. When I talk about massages I am talking about mini massages like massaging fingers, neck ,toes, feet, small areas of the body. You will be amazed at the powerful effect these little gestures could have on your relationship.

A woman may not be as sex driven as a man but they are much more sensuous than a man . They are deeply affected by touches and actions. Women are also very self aware and presence aware so anything Done to them or around them is always noted and puts them into overthink. Therefore whatever is done is never gone unobserved.

Men on the other hand are not like that. They tend to be lost in their own world. Men also dwell a lot in the future. That is why many times they seem not to be paying attention. Women are very different to men in this matter. Men though can take advantage of this side of a woman to cultivate their relationship. But of course it entails good judgement and common sense.

By way of good judgement I mean not because you want to touch it means she must accept it. So if you attempt to touch and she express disinterest respect it. Do not insist to touch if she says no. Keep in mind though that her saying no doesn’t mean she does not want to be touched. It may simply mean not there but somewhere else. You may attempt to touch her hands and she may pull away but may prefer that you massage her toes. She may not communicate this to you. You will just have to keep on trying.

A note of caution a woman’s failure communicate many times frustrate a man. It is also misconstrued by men. Keep in mind that women are humans too and may need time to sort out their thoughts. They need time to make up their minds. So what might seem as an inability to make their minds may simply be and attempt to weigh the options. We men will just have to be patient.

Romantic songs

It is often said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and the way to a woman’ s heart is through her ears. That is a good thing. Why? Because it tells us what we must do if we want to get into the heart of our partners.

If your husband is having a bad day maybe a nice meal might help. What about her? Maybe telling her about a nice meal she prepared some time before and how much you enjoyed it might help.

Today though we will focus on songs. It is and area that is often overlooked when dealing with our mates. Maybe singing a love song may help to change her mood especially if it is a song that she loves.

It is a good idea to sing songs around your mates. You do not have to be singing it for her. Once you start to sing she will assume that you are singing for her. It does not matter if you cannot sing. Or if you believe you cannot sing. If you cannot sing or if you believe you cannot sing. Sing anyway. You can’t sing she will laugh. And trust me she doesn’t care. If it is a song she likes she may begin to sing it just to correct you and that is enough to change her mood.

If you cannot sing or if you believe you cannot sing you can sing one liners. You can hardly go wrong with that. She will treasure all your efforts.

The thing to do is to develop a habit singing when she is around especially when doing a chore for her. She will interpret that as a sign that you are happy to do things for her. If you really cannot sing or you really don’t care to sing just put on your smart phone. There is an infinite amount of songs to choose from.

Music is to the ear what cologne or perfume is to the nose; it is impossible to ignore and it’s effect is far reaching. Be sensitive though if she is not in the mood or she needs some quiet be quick to respond accordingly. It may not be that she is not interested in hearing music but the genre might be the problem. Soft slow romantic music might be safe. Be quick to adjust. Remember the goal is not to irritate but to captivate.

The flowerpot rule

If you want to be a girl’s best friend there is a few things you can do. Be an excellent dancer and an excellent cook but there is something even better. You can have a small flower garden. A pretty flower is something few women can resist.

Are you finding it difficult to attract women or is your wife not seeking out your company? Plant a small flower garden. You will be amazed at the transformation. A small flower garden can cause a relationship to flourish. The excitement generated in a woman when she sees a flower is be legendary.

If you have a small flower garden and your wife sees you paying a lot of attention to cultivate it she too will become enthusiastic over it and willingly assist you to make that flower garden prosper. You will be surprised to see how her mood can change as she watch you tend to that flower garden. To be sure the flower garden need not be huge it could be as small two or three flower pots which can fit by a window or in front or back door.

Women have an affinity for nature. For some women it is walk in the park or a drive in the countryside. For others it may be the sight of animals or going to the beach. For still others it maybe a lime out with friends. Whatever it maybe it would be a good idea to use it to your advantage.

You see your wife is not having a good day, just go out and spend some time in your flower garden it guarantees her joining you at some time. And as you continue to look after the flowers her mood will change and your evening can indeed have happy ending.

Did Hollywood lie to us?

The young lady is is all cuddled up in bed watching her favorite show. It is a romance movie. The damsel is in danger and a dashing knight all in shining armor comes to her rescue. He saved her from the wretched villains. They marry and they lived happily ever after. What beautiful and happy ending.

Sadly though that is not the real life but the poor girl does not know it. She too is peering into horizon looking for her own galant knight to rescue her her from her misery and take her in to the night and show her love as she has never seen.

Every day she is praying and hoping that her life follows the script Hollywood provided. But will it? One day she is going to the market and she met what she thought was the most handsome man in the world. Much to her surprise he thought the same about her. Eight years and three children later her life is anything but scripted. What went wrong? Did Hollywood lie?

This is the downside of modern society. A make belief world scripted by a media that is out of touch with reality. Not that they are trying to be real. Their business is not one of reality. They are in the entertainment business. Their job is to cause dopamine to flow. They are not in the business of showcasing life realities.

That’s how society is structured nowadays. Two hundred years ago society was structured differently. Then it was the elderly one in the family who provided entertainment and instructions. Many times those instructions were controlled and measured according to the needs of the family.

What was impressive was that many times these provisions were both instructive and entertaining. A good example of what I am talking about was my own grandfather. Many times he made some statements that appeared humorous but do not make the mistake to dismiss them as just humor. Many times hidden in those few words were nuggets of truths that were perennial.

You see Hollywood was all about entertainment but these people of long ago was not setting out simply to entertain they were about strengthening the moral fiber of the family. They taught their children the value of hard work and honesty. Not only working hard to provide for the family but also working hard to make the family succeed as a unit. No such thing as boy meeting girl boy kiss girl and bliss ever after. Grandfather set out to let you know that that was not the real world.

The Mountain Dew ( cont’d

Fast forward to today. With the advent of electricity everything has changed. No more early to bed early to rise. With just the flick of a switch night vanishes and we are free to do whatever we want without the constraint of darkness and fear.

Two hundred years years ago midnight is when people awake fully rested and ready to talk and before you know it the romance trap is sprung like a snare catching a unsuspecting prey. Not anymore, now midnight is the time people are heading off to bed begging for the alarm clock to wake than at five. You can be sure there is no association between the alarm clock and the romance snare. Both persons are too tired to even tell each other morning. What a life. Yes another of life’s pranks. Yes electricity promised us so much and yet it made us so unhappy.

Electricity is the silent killer in the of the modern age. It has single handedly created the conditions for our biggest scourge, stress. Stress is the malaise that has wreaked havoc on our physical and emotional health as well as our spiritual and psychological health.

According to some health care professionals most our our health issues are rooted in a lack of rest. And the main reason why we are not resting is because of the electrical switch on the wall. When we should be in bed sleeping we are up watching television or out working. Chores are not postponed anymore. Things get done because electricity made it possible all at the expense of our relationships.

Indeed it has been found that whenever there is nation wide blackout there is a spike in babies being born nine months later. Now you know why.

You see women hates darkness. When the place is all lighted up she see all kinds of things to do but when the place is dark she becomes afraid. In the dark there is only one place she will feel safe, in the arms of her husband. Where is he? In bed. Yes she is feeling safe but it comes with a price. A price she will carry for nine months.